Horizon – the Pearl of Education under the silver lined oyster white clouds
Amidst the Covid 19 darkness and gloom, the sun shines brilliantly over Horizon College International (HCI) Malabe. As HCI sails past the milestone of 14 glorious years of existence, the transition from physical to online education has been smooth and successful.
In our branch school at Nugegoda, the 36 teachers follow the same syllabus and employ the same methods of online teaching which is monitored by the Principal of Nugegoda , Mr Daminda Kulathunga.
The 195 efficient academic staff members, under the able guidance of the Principal Mrs Maryanne Hills, teach online continuing to deliver education with quality, care and excellence, the hallmarks of HCI. The syllabi from Play Group to Senior school are covered meticulously with blended learning and using the latest technology of Smart Boards. In the Elementary school, activity based learning is continued online and the usual class trips were substituted with virtual trips. Talent shows, Art and Handwork exhibitions, Virtual Inter class debates continued giving the students the experiences they were meant to receive in physical class rooms. Furthermore, the IPrimary Edexcel (London) syllabi has been introduced in the Primary school. Interactive sessions with parents and a team of counselors dealing with numerous issues the children face during the pandemic are held ensuring that adequate pastoral care is given.
Academic excellence
The HCI Edexcel IGCSE and IAL results of 2020 justifies that Senior school online teaching learning process has indeed been successful.
Our results at both exams have a 100% pass rate with high achievers in both the IGCSE and IAL examinations.
Exciting co-curricular online activities
Numerous exciting online activities were organized to keep the Horizonites active and to make learning pleasurable. The students enthusiastically participated in the webinars on Plasticyde, Positivity and being Optimistic and ‘Imagine’ a workshop on creative writing. The HCI clubs and societies have been very active despite the pandemic. Q Fiesta on General Knowledge was conducted by the Science Club; Eco Battle 2020/2021 – Online quiz was held to mark Environment Day; Prefects Guild and Science Club conducted “On the Hunt” – A virtual treasure hunt; Business Community organized students’ presentations; Book Review Competition and a Poetry Competition was organized by the ELU.
Educating the heart with values
HCI firmly believes in a holistic education and thus teaching of all main Religions and value education take prominence. Vesak was celebrated with a digital Pandal based on Jathaka Story and Bodu Bathi Gee were sung by the Prefects. Immam spoke on the true meaning of Ramadan a the Ramadan Day Assembly.
At the Inter school announcing competition organized by the Broadcasting Unit of Ananda College, the Horizonites displayed their prowess by winning the Intermediate Category – 1st place Tianna Perera , 2nd place Shelize Amit and 1st place- sports commentary Kellen Ranathunga.
Mumudi Gajadeera of Grade 4, qualified to represent Sri Lanka in the West Asian Youth online Chess Championship held a week ago. At the Interact District 3220, 31st Annual Interact District assembly, Shaun Mathiasz was selected for the District Interact Council 2021/2022 as the Chairperson of “ Stop the Spread’’ a Global initiative by the Rotary District. At Entremindz – Entrepreneurial competition organized by the UTO Educonsult. 4 business plans submitted by the senior school students were selected. The plan Tiny Coates won 1st runners up including a cash prize of Rs. 30,000/- and a Wisdom Business school scholarship. “The Bus Fair” was selected as the most impactful business idea.
Secure future with Horizon
Mr Upul Daranagama, the founder Chairman of HCI and Horizon Campus, stated that a state of the art campus was opened recently at Knowledge City Malabe, which accommodates 4000 students in its new premises whilst the existing Campus will cater to 3000 students following IT and Management programmes. HCI is at the forefront as a unique school which providing total solutions for your child’s educational needs from elementary to higher education. You have access to high quality education, all under one roof complemented with modern state of the art facilities, excellent academic standards and pastoral care, facilities for sports and recreational activities.
Teaching and Administrative Staff
We take pride in our teaching faculty which comprises of well-qualified and experienced teachers. The support and administrative staff of HCI is strongly committed and dedicated to provide an efficient service at all times.